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As a former college president, I have often reflected on William Bowen's characterization of higher education as being "at a slight angle" with the world. This concept holds profound implications for our understanding of the role of higher education and the evolving nature of academia in contemporary society.

Traditional higher education has long been seen as a bastion of knowledge and learning, a revered institution with deep roots in history and tradition. However, as the world around us continues to change at an unprecedented pace, it has become increasingly clear that higher education must also adapt and evolve to remain relevant and impactful.

Bowen's notion of being "at a slight angle" with traditional higher education resonates deeply with my own experiences as a college president. It speaks to the need for institutions of higher learning to maintain a critical distance from the status quo, to question established norms, and to embrace a forward-thinking and innovative approach to education.

By positioning ourselves at a "slight angle" with traditional higher education, we are called upon to challenge conventional wisdom and explore new frontiers of knowledge. This stance encourages us to cultivate an environment that nurtures intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and interdisciplinary collaboration. It empowers us to foster an educational experience that is responsive to the rapidly evolving needs of our students and the broader society.

Moreover, being "at a slight angle" with traditional higher education allows us to confront the pressing issues of our time with a sense of urgency and purpose. It compels us to address matters of ensuring that our institutions are reflective of the rich tapestry of human experience. It also encourages us to leverage emerging technologies and pedagogical innovations to enhance the educational experience and expand access to knowledge.

Furthermore, this positioning invites us to redefine the relationship between higher education and the world at large. It prompts us to actively engage with our local and global communities, to leverage our expertise and resources in pursuit of meaningful societal impact. By embracing a "slight angle" with traditional higher education, we can forge partnerships with industry, government, and nonprofit organizations, working collaboratively to address complex challenges and advance the collective well-being of humanity.

William Bowen's characterization of higher education as being "at a slight angle" with the world serves as a poignant reminder of the imperative for colleges and universities to embrace change, to challenge the status quo, and to chart a course toward a more vibrant and relevant future. As a former college president, I have endeavored to lead with this perspective, guiding my institution to embody a spirit of innovation, inclusivity, and societal engagement. It is through this deliberate positioning that we have sought to shape a higher education experience that is not only rooted in tradition but also poised to meet the evolving needs of our students and the world they will inherit.

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A Perspective on Higher Education


President Emeritus of Bluefield State University Former President West Liberty University Former Secretary of Tax and Revenue, State of West Virginia Attorney, Author, Screenwriter, Producer